This six-volume book series titled “Refugee Crisis in International Politics” are prepared with the aim of clarifying concepts and challenges in this field. The role of the international organizations in formulation, development and evolution of refugee policies is the focus of the contributions in the third volume. We have eight chapters presented as follows: Doğan Şafak Polat “United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and its Relations with the other United Nations’ Organs”; Ebru Gür and Soyalp Tamçelik “Interagency Cooperation between UNHCR and ILO (International Labour Organization) on the Promotion of Refugees Right to Work”; Ebru Gür and Soyalp Tamçelik “Demographic Reports of UNHCR for Refugees”; İsmail Melih Baş “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Migrants / Migration”; Dinçer Bayer “Refugee Policy of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)”; Adnan Seyaz “NATO and the Current Refugee Crisis Prospects and Challenges”; Furkan Yıldız “Refugee Policies of Council of Europe”; and Hazar Dördüncü “The Impact of International Trade Organizations on the Refugee Crisis”.