Turkey And The World / Türkiye ve Dünya

Turkey And The World / Türkiye ve Dünya

ISBN: 9799756698081
Basılı Kitap


Satış Sayısı 0
Stok Sayısı: 0
Sayfa Sayısı: 446
Yayın Tarihi: 2001-01-01
Yayın Evi: Kaknüs Yayınları
Kategori: Kitap
Dil: Türkçe

This study is a bibliography attempt on Turkey, Ottoman Empire and the Turks. It aims to cover all the books, chapters in the books, journal articles, thesis and even some selected paper articles on Turkey written in English language during the last millenium. All these studies are categorised in Ottoman History, Republican History, Politics, Nationalism, Religion, Foreign Policy, Political Economy and Legal Studies main titles. There are over 5.000 entry including dictionaries and bibliographies.

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