The 10th Migration Conference, TMC 2022 was hosted by the Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences Agdal of Mohammad V University, Rabat, Morocco and organised by AMERM (l’Association Marocaine d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Migrations) and IBS (International Business School, UK. The TMC 2022 Rabat was the first time such a major conference on migration held in Africa. The Conference accommodated discussions involving ministers, politicians, practitioners, lawyers, academics, media, experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and wider public. This conference was the first in person event in the series after two years of COVID-induced virtual conferences.
The Migration Conference 2022 was hosted by the Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences Agdal of Mohammad V University, Rabat, Morocco and organised by AMERM (l’Association Marocaine d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Migrations) and IBS (International Business School, UK). | @migrationevent | | Email: