!TEDARİKLİ SATIŞ!  Muqarnas 38


ISBN: 9789004500709
Basılı Kitap


Satış Sayısı 0
Stok Sayısı: 0
Sayfa Sayısı: 408
Yayın Evi: BRILL
Kategori: Yabancı Kitap > Middle Eastern History
Dil: English

KİTAP TEDARİĞİNDE; FİYAT, TEMİN ve KARGO SÜRELERİNDE DEĞİŞME OLABİLİR. LÜTFEN TELEFON/EMAİL İLE BİZE ULAŞIN. <i>Muqarnas</i> 38 begins by considering a curious Kufic-inscribed block in the eleventh-century church of Wuqro Cherqos in Ethiopia. The next articles focus on a monument and on manuscript in India, gardens in Kabul, Ottoman Tunisia, and twentieth-century photography. In the Notes and Sources section, new data for reconstructing the luster tilework decoration of the tomb chamber of ʿAbd al-Samad’s shrine in central Iran is presented. The final essay is an exhaustive study of the five muqarnas capitals in the Alhambra.

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