The Three Musketeers (CD'li) This story is abo­ut the ad­ven­tu­res of a man cal­led d’Ar­tag­nan who le­aves ho­me to be a mus­ke­te­er and go­es to Pa­ris. He forms a gro­up cal­led ‘Three Mus­k­eteers’. They ha­ve a mot­to, “One for all, and all for one”. His fri­ends are At­hos, Port­hos and Ara­mis. He me­ets his aging land­lord’s pretty yo­ung wi­fe, Cons­tan­ce Bo­na­ci­eux, in Pa­ris and falls in lo­ve with her. D’Ar­tag­nan and his fri­ends go to Lon­don to get back the di­amonds of the Qu­een which are gi­ven to Buc­king­ham by the Qu­een who is in lo­ve with him. Will the three mus­k­eteers ma­na­ge to sa­ve the di­amonds and re­turn safely, or will they be kil­led by the Car­dinal?

Benzer Kitaplar