Rights of Migrant Workers: An Analysis of Migration Policies in Contemporary Turkey

Rights of Migrant Workers: An Analysis of Migration Policies in Contemporary Turkey

ISBN: 978-1-912997-58-9-B
Basılı Kitap


ISBN: 978-1-912997-58-9

E-Kitabı Satın Al
Satış Sayısı 1
Stok Sayısı: 1+
Baskı Sayısı: 1. Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı: 306
Yayın Evi: Transnational Press London
Kategori: Kitap
Dil: English
Etiketler: Migration, Right, Policy, Migrant Worker

This insightful book discusses how policymakers define migrant workers’ status and rights at international and national levels. Assessing the evolution of the language of rights for migrant workers in international law; definition of migrant workers in Turkish legislation; key political and economic factors on Turkish migration policies; protection mechanisms that safeguard migrant workers’ rights, it critically examines the policymaking processes at international, regional and national levels and evaluates the impact of the ‘values’ such as universal or ethnocentric values, on the definitions of status and rights of migrant workers.