Border Crossing Transnational Working Papers 2013

Border Crossing Transnational Working Papers 2013

ISBN: 2046-4436-2013
Basılı Kitap


ISBN: 2046-4444-2013

E-Kitabı Satın Al
Satış Sayısı 0
Stok Sayısı: 1+
Baskı Sayısı: 1. Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı: 54
Yayın Evi: Transnational Press London
Kategori: Kitap
Dil: English
Etiketler: Transnational, Border, Culture, Turkish Migration

Border Crossing invites papers in all subject areas of Social Sciences and Humanities including Business and Management, Finance, Banking, Economics, Sociology, Human Resources, Political Science, International Relations, Law, Geography, Literature, Psychology, Marketing and Communication. Papers are reviewed and considered for publication as they arrive on a rolling basis all year round. Border Crossing follows a strict double blind review policy and adheres to ethical publishing guidelines. Border Crossing publishes articles in English as well as articles in Turkish with extended abstracts in English